Hey, I’m Alex, 35 years old.

  • Brain-based coach with techniques backed by neuroscience.

  • An executive coach with an Ontological approach.

  • 12 years of solopreneurship filled with stories and rich experience.

  • More than 20,000 people get through my programs, ebooks, and mentorship.

  • Explored more than 20 different countries like a digital nomad. Investigated different cultures and mindsets.

  • 10 years of personal coaching & therapy.

After 12 years in online marketing, I realized what truly makes me curious is helping other business owners and solopreneurs to solve the inner challenges that they are facing.

Help them expand their thinking, explore their human potential, and facilitate new insights.

I paused my business career and went to study in 2 different coaching institutes. I learned the best and most updated coaching techniques that allow me to solve the challenges my coachees are facing.

Today, I’m an accredited coach with unique techniques backed by neuroscience. This method can develop new habits, skills, and behaviors.

You can book 30 minutes discovery call with me »here«

I’m working only with ten clients at the same time. If right now, I’m fully booked. I will put you on the waiting list.