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- A simple graph that changed my poor mindset.
A simple graph that changed my poor mindset.
Let me share with you my biggest insight about money. And how also you can improve your financial situation despite your circumstances.

It’s Alex.
I had “bad” debts and a poor mindset most of my life.
But one day…
… I saw a simple graph that transformed my mindset and, in the end, made me an investor.
Let me share with you my biggest insight about money.
And how you can also improve your financial situation despite your circumstances.
Why making money will never be enough?
I come from a family with a poor mindset.
I had great parents, and they did their best to raise four kids despite the circumstances.
Circumstances, when I was a kid, sometimes the electricity was turned off because of unpaid bills.
As a result… My childhood gave me a massive amount of inner will to not be poor.
But even when I started making a good amount of money, I didn’t have a healthy relationship with money.
I was spending everything…
Even more than I had.
It’s a common behavior when you have poor habits and emotional needs you don’t know how to fulfill.
The thing is…
You can have a good relationship with money when you start investing part of it.
You can only have an investment budget with an investment mindset.
The beliefs about money and how it is supposed to be spent need to be aligned with the investment mindset.
Because you know what’s gonna happen if it’s not?
You will not care and will always have something more important to do with your money.
You will say to yourself:
"I will invest when I have a significant amount of money."
"I will learn about investments when my project scales to millions"
"I will make millions from my projects; I don’t need to invest at all."
But time passes by…
And this perfect moment when you have enough money doesn't come.
I remember that during COVID-19…
Many rich, famous people whose income depended on concerts and live events were complaining that they didn’t have enough money to pay their bills.
How is it possible??
Their monthly income is like the yearly paycheck of an average middle-class employee.
Well… It’s possible because their beliefs about investments and money are broken.
An investment budget is not something you have.
It's something you create.
You create it with a strong will.
Will and the right beliefs that there is no other way to have a better life.
For me to realize this and start making changes in my head was this simple graph:
A simple graph that changed everything in my head.
What you can see on a graph is that:
Around age 50, people start to earn less than before.
This means you have a window in your life between the ages of 20 and 50 to create your passive stream of income.
Before your biological clock starts taking energy from you.
I wish I could see this graph in high school…
It could have shifted my mindset, and I could start investing earlier.
For me…
This graph is a motivation and self-awareness to give my best NOW.
Because statistically and biologically, there will not be a better time.
Thinking that in the future, it will be easier and better is an illusion of a poor mindset.
Investment can be boring. I know that.
... And it requires changing habits and becoming a different person.
It’s easy to talk about….
But we all have 100 reasons why our specific situation is unique and why we can’t invest 10-20% of our income.
But from my experience, mostly there is something deeper under our logical explanation that we say to ourselves.
And this depth?
It’s our beliefs.
Beliefs that shape our way of thinking and, as a result, define our choices and behavior.
So, how do you change your choices and behavior?
You change your beliefs.
And how do you change your beliefs?
You wait for some external event to shift your mind, or you work on that with a coach.
I’m using a unique method that has been used for 39 years to identify and clear limiting beliefs.
This method has been used by many individuals to improve their personal and professional lives.
Today, I’m offering you to eliminate any limiting belief you have in only 3 sessions with me.
So you can:
Start investing
Making more money
Stop compulsive purchase decisions
Or self-sabotaging your own financial stability
Reply to this email: "I'm interested"
And I will send you the details.
P.S. This method can help not just with money beliefs.
It can help with any limiting belief you have.
In this email, I focused on money because I know how big this problem can be.
Take care,