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  • How to finish more work in 4 hours than 80% of people do in 1 week:

How to finish more work in 4 hours than 80% of people do in 1 week:

In the last 12 years in business as a solopreneur… I have been involved in dozens of projects that demanded my sharp focus and high productivity.  I spent over $8M on Facebook ads in projects I was part of. I know what it means to work hard and nonstop.

In the last 12 years in business as a solopreneur…

I have been involved in dozens of projects that demanded my sharp focus and high productivity. 

I spent over $8M on Facebook ads in projects I was part of. I know what it means to work hard and nonstop.

I have been a digital nomad and explored more than 20 different countries. Investigating different cultures and mindsets while my projects are still breathing and running. 

It didn't come naturally to me. Being focused & productive is something that I developed with time. 

I was always curious about how to be more productive and efficient while feeling the joy of life. This is what I learned:

1. Write ALL your tasks. 

Inside a weekly organizer or an app.  

Doesn’t matter where. It's basics, I know... But you have no idea how many times I noticed people saying:

"Can you remind me about that task?" As they know, perhaps they are going to forget...

Developing a solid habit of writing your daily or weekly tasks, increasing focus, and minimizing the memory capacity that we use. Also, writing your main tasks the day before helps to create clarity and a feeling of control.

It's impossible to be productive without this simple habit, as our short memory, the prefrontal cortex, can't hold a large amount of information

2. Eliminate distraction. 

Staying focused becomes like a second job.

There are so many things to do that I can't imagine how we can achieve something significant when we have so many distractions around us. (If you would like to know more about How to stay productive during chaotic and distractive times, I have an article about it »here«).

  • I don't have any notifications on my phone. Also, right now, I'm creating a new habit with iPhone app limit restrictions. I'm restricting access to all the apps on my phone except for WhatsApp (otherwise, my girlfriend would kill me) until 12:00.

    The goal here is simple - to minimize cheap dopamine consumption before I do anything significant in my day.

  • I have unfollowed 90% of people on social media since college, as I don't want to see anything about their lives. I researched how social media affects our mood and decided it's better to set some boundaries. 

    Anyway, it's all a big fake, and most of us post just the great moments and not the real life itself. 

  • During work, I use a unique brain.fm music.

    Their music is scientifically proven to increase focus. It's different from brain waves music that you can find on YouTube. 

  • No multitasking - It's already been proven by neuroscience. I was studying about that in a brain-based coaching course during my career shift. 

    We aren't doing any multitasking in our brains. Our brain jumps from task to task, and the focus is split. It's not efficient.

    You will do a better job focusing 100% on one thing.

    Not always it's possible, and when we don't have enough time, we all do things simultaneously because "it is what it is..." But at least for the tasks that demand a high level of thinking and creativity, it is better to focus only on them. 

3. Physical Health.

It's impossible to discuss high efficiency and productivity without talking about our bodies and emotions.  

It's all connected. 

Quality sleep is crucial for productivity. I'm using Oura ring to track and keep my sleep in shape. It isn't about perfection. But even being aware that you aren't productive because of your sleep habits. Eventually, it can push you to do something about that. 

I'm drinking AG1 by Athletic Greens (I'm not their affiliate). What I noticed is that it's affecting my focus. I'm more sharp, calm, and precise. 

I'm taking cold showers, doing short exercise routines, and walking. The basic thing that I'm sure 99% of people know and don't do regularly….

Because sticking to uncomfortable habits is tough, you know it very well. But when you make it so simple to do, it's much easier to stick to it. 

I have a premium article about habit systems in my coaching pro section. You can check it out >>here<<.

4. And what about mental health?

Mental health is more complicated in the manner of productivity and efficiency. Try being productive with a broken heart... Grieving about someone you lost forever and being mindful of deadlines.

Some people will run away from the pain and work for 12 hours per day.

Others will watch serials and dwell in escapism. We all deal with our inner world in different ways. 

What is essential is to remember that it's normal. 

  • Being on therapy is normal. 

  • Asking for help is also normal. 

  • Getting the support that you need isn't a weak thing to do. 

There is a big difference between taking responsibility, getting help, and being in victim mode. It's not the same

One of the things that shifted my mental health and inner world was creating a habit of meditation. I know that all the web talks about that, and still…

Meditation has been associated with structural changes in the brain, particularly in the gray matter. Studies say meditation may increase gray matter density in regions associated with self-awareness, emotional regulation, and attention. 

It's working. The challenge is to create the habit and prioritize it.

Trying to be productive while neglecting our body and soul can eventually bring burnout.

I wrote a guide that can help with burnout. You can check it out >>here<<.

5. Know your Why and Goals.

Knowing why you want to be productive in the first place makes you more effective than an average hustler. 

When you deeply know why you are doing your tasks. And your tasks are a tiny part of a big goal. You are on the right path. 

A strong, emotional why bring energy from the inside that no one can give you. 

When a goal is connected to emotion and meaning, it's no longer about "you must do it"... It's about "I want to do it."

The most productive people in our world are people who deeply know themself and why they want to be effective from the start. 

6. Right working environment - FOR YOU.

Know yourself and stop listening to "the best working environment" advice. It's unique for each person.

  • Coffeeshops.

  • Hotel lobby

  • Co-working

  • Home office

It's essential to listen to yourself and feel when a specific environment isn't good for you.  For example, I'm a fan of minimalism and more productive with less stuff around me. 

Take care,


12 years in Business | 7-figure Solopreneur | Brain-Based Coach for High Achievers.


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