Subconscious brain system that can give you superpowers.

I was 22 years old. Working on my first project with 3 of my best friends. One of them is still my best friend. Another one may be in jail. The last is a millionaire with no idea what he wants to do with his life. But this is for another email...


It’s Alex.

I was 22 years old. Working on my first project with 3 of my best friends. One of them is still my best friend. Another one may be in jail. The last one is a millionaire with no idea what he wants to do with his life. But this is for another email...

We had a deep passion to succeed. All of us were coming from poor, broken families. Let's just say... We didn't win the "golden ticket" of life.

And this is one of the reasons why we had such an intense inner energy to succeed. When you hustle from poverty, it's a different vibe than when you hustle just because you want success.

We had enough energy. But confidence... Not so much. Self-doubt was a big part of our business choices.

You see... 12 years ago, the internet wasn't flooded with success stories, blueprints, and case studies that could give you hope and action steps you could follow.

Our choice was between MLM scams or SEO software that promises you 10K after one week - "Just press the button and wait for your money."

Me and my business partner (who is still my best friend) were lucky to find ourselves on a weekend coaching retreat.

I had never been in touch with coaching methodology before that. So, things we did there at the beginning felt like some cult. The funny thing is that we had experience with the MLM cult before. So it felt like home. 😁 What I can say… We were young.

But after a few hours at the retreat, things started to make sense.

The content and environment shifted something inside of my head and made me believe that I have the power to change my life. 

I'm grateful for the circumstances of life that allowed me to learn how to work with my subconscious on that retreat and reprogram it in a way that is good for me.

This is what I did after the retreat:

I wrote a 10-year-future story about myself. I went deeply into details and with a wild imagination.

  • I wrote what my house looked like.

  • How I'm traveling the world.

  • How my projects look like.

I even wrote about how I'm talking with my business partners about the deep meaning of what we are doing.

I wrote it in a way like it's already happened. Like I'm there… In this future picture, living the life of my dreams.

It took me more than A3 page to write it down, and I became deeply emotional while reading it. I wanted this reality with my heart.

Another thing that I wrote was the personality affirmation traits that I wished to have.

I wrote, for example: "I'm brave".

What I did after is extremely important, so be focused.

I didn't put it in my drawer and forgot about it. I recorded myself reading this beautiful life story in the best way I could, and I listened to this recording 2 times per day for more than 1 year.

Yes. You read it right.

For 1 year, each morning when I woke up. The first thing, without even standing from the bed, I was putting on my headphones and listening to my future life recording. And I had the same ritual before sleep.

Is this too much? Maybe...

But this repetitive, simple action changed me.

It wasn't a one-day quick change. The first signs of a change I noticed after weeks and even months.

No. I didn't get my beautiful house after a few months. In fact, I don't own a house right now at all because my materialistic wishes changed with the flow of my personal growth.

What is important is that it's not the car or the house you write in the picture of your future reality.

It's the superpower you are putting inside yourself while working with your subconscious.

The most significant change I got from listening to my affirmations is having a strong confidence that I'm capable of succeeding. Having more confidence and less self-doubt about myself and my actions.

During this 12 years… Doesn't matter what happened in my business life. I could be grumpy for a while, but then some inner superpower would bring me back, and I would try again and again…

I remember standing before a whiteboard and explaining my new idea to my business partners.

  • We had no income.

  • Living from our savings.

But I had this light in my eyes that "Yes, we can." And I had this goofy smile each time when I got some crazy idea before I shared it.

All this didn't happen by coincidence. When you put affirmations inside your subconscious, you rewire your brain.

When you have done it every day for one year, your brain can't stay the same. It isn't about bringing the car of your dreams in front of your house the next day. It's about changing yourself so that you can buy ten cars if you want to.

Here are a few guidelines on how to write your own future story in the right way:

  1. Write only in the present time.

Your subconscious doesn't see the difference between the present moment and the future. Write like it's happening to you right now.

  1. Don't write in a negative way.

If you write, for example: "I don't have problems in my life."Subconscious - hear mostly the word "problems."

Better to write: "I have positive challenges in my life that I'm solving with passion and ease."

  1. Please write in a way that it's makes you emotional.

If you can have tears from happiness and a feeling of gratefulness - this is the best. Don’t write from your head. Write from your heart.

  1. Record yourself and listen to your affirmation story every day.

The best timing is exactly when you wake up or before you fall asleep because, at these moments, your subconscious is more open and receptive to external signals.

Try it out and let me know how it goes or if you have any questions.

Take care,



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