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- Why is coaching the best gift for you?
Why is coaching the best gift for you?
I want to share the main value you can get from working with a coach during your life.

It’s Alex.
Today is the last day of August…
Which means that the vacation season is over…
…And it’s time to come back to reality.
I want to share the main value you can get from working with a coach during your life.
Most people confuse coaching with therapy and mentorship and don’t see the bold difference.
If therapy helps with healing and mentorship guides you in the right direction, coaching helps you explore your unique potential so you can achieve more in life and get what you want.
A therapist can’t do this because mainly they don’t focus on actions.
A mentor can guide only from their personal experience and perspective.
A coach instead… It focuses on what you can do and what is so special about you that you don’t notice.
And why you don’t notice?
This could be because of your beliefs, mental blocks, or just the wrong environment you find yourself in.
Why do S&P 500 companies hire coaches?
Because they know…
If the manager becomes better as a person, more aware, effective, and productive, their work performance will skyrocket.
It's as simple as that.
Now, focus and read the next part slowly and carefully.
You can’t make $10K, $100K, or $1M if you are still inside a person with the beliefs of a $2K person.
You can’t solve your business challenges if they were created by your inner challenges that you refuse to solve.
It’s not what you are trying to build; it’s about the way you are building it.
I constantly see amazing people trying to:
Solve their overthinking with just another idea they want to think about and analyze until they again become anxious.
Solve their procrastination with an extremely tight schedule that makes them sick.
Solve burnout by pushing even harder until they can’t get up from bed.
Solve self-doubt by “faking it until you make it” behavior when inside, they still don’t believe in themselves.
Solve shiny object syndrome with another shiny new project. “But this time is different!”
Solve control issues by controlling the process of letting go.
When I see this…
I want to hug the person and give him the strength to deal with himself.
All of these solutions don’t work.
Because you will never solve your biggest problems with the level of thinking and awareness you have now.
This level is what brought you to the place you are right now.
This is the cause and will never be the solution.
…Get a new level of awareness of yourself and what a mess you actually created in the last years.
Accept it.
Get a new level of thinking and behavior.
And the problem will be solved by itself.
First, YOU change.
After everything else.
This is the best gift you can give yourself.
I’m inviting you to apply for 1:1 coaching with me.
Coaching That Doubles Your Productivity In 60 Minutes A Week.
My methods help my clients enjoy:
Explosive business growth.
Winning habits and work routines.
Neuroscience-based brain & time management.
Turning big ideas into results, fast.
And… Getting rid of any inner blocks that cause self-sabotage.
Reply “I’m interested” to this email, and I’ll send you the details.
Take care,